Machine Learning for Inverse Graphics
(MIT 6.S980, Prof. Vincent Sitzmann)
Graduate Computer Vision
(UC Berkeley 280, Prof.Alexei Efros)
Learning for 3D Vision
(CMU 16-889, Prof. Shubham Tulsiani)
Advances in Computer Vision
(MIT 6.819/6.869, Profs. Bill Freeman, Phillip Isola, Antonio Torralba)
Deep Learning II, Part "Geometric Deep Learning"
(University of Amsterdam 52042DEL6Y, Prof. Erik Bekkers)
Computer Graphics in the Era of AI
(Stanford CS348I, Profs. C. Karen Liu and Jiajun Wu)
Computer Vision
(University of Tübingen ML-4360, Prof. Andreas Geiger)
Machine Learning Meets Geometry
(UCSD CSE291, Prof. Hao Su)
Machine Learning for 3D Data
(U. Stanford cs468, Prof. Leo Guibas)
Deep Learning for Computer Vision
(U. Michigan EECS 490.008, Prof. Justin Johnson)
Introduction to Deep Learning
(MIT 6.S191, Prof. Alex Amini)
Numerical Methods for Visual Computing and Machine Learning
(EPFL CS-328, Prof. Wenzel Jakob)
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Luiz Velho